“The Ethic of Cynical Publius”

“The higher we are placed,” Cicero taught, “the more humbly we should walk.” Given the state of our public life and the arrogance of our rulers, cynicism about our plight …

“They call him @L0m3z”

Passage Publishing’s Jonathan Keeperman knows that every power struggle is preceded by a verification of images and iconoclasm. HIs Internet identity of “L0m3z” was “verified” earlier this year. Cue the …

“America’s Wakeup Call”

Bruce Abramson talks about the ideas in his new book, “American Spirit or Great Awokening?” Will we be roused from our slumber or will America just just go-go?

“Grace in Place”

Grace Reilly is committed to saving America, even if it means living in the belly of the Beast. She talks about her new job with Restoration of America.

“In from the Cold”

J. Michael Waller has spent good career watching the watchers. And Notre that they’ve become frank partisan operatives, he doesn’t like what he sees. Buy his new book “Big Intel: …