“Life and Hanson”
Jim Hanson believes America matters – a lot. That’s why he wants to win this civil war without firing a shot.
Jim Hanson believes America matters – a lot. That’s why he wants to win this civil war without firing a shot.
Chris Rufo is leading the fight for common sense, rationality and an end to racial divisiveness in the schools and everywhere. In other words, he’s struggling against Critical Race Theory.
Josh Hammer, Op-ed editor for Newsweek, returns to the show to discuss the further deterioration of free discourse, and how wokeness is threatening the core values of the legal profession.
There’s nothing funny about today’s woke corporate comedy. Good thing there’s Chrissie Mayr.
Find out what’s new in Kurt Schlichter’s latest book, “We’ll be Back,” as Kurt himself returns for his second appearance on ColemanNation.
All religions are equal under the First Amendment. Satanism too? Michael Knowles has questions.
Ashley Baker isn’t against antitrust enforcement against big tech, or anyone. She merely wants to remind us that the biggest monopolist of all is the government. Do we want to …
Eoin Lenihan was an apolitical graduate student who naively stepped on the unseen third rail of “respectable” journalism: Antifa. He would learn to regret it.
Professor Erec Smith is a leader of a movement banding together young faculty to push back against the intellectual sloth of critical race theory. Is there still hope?
Robust, unknown Scottish lad uploads a Nazi-pet-trick video in ghastly bad taste to his unknown YouTube channel as a birthday joke to his girlfriend. Next thing he knows it’s gone …